First work of art
Second work of art
Third work of art
Forth work of art

Mmmmh ... It seems like there is a mistake

Introduction to the work of art

You are standing in front of François Morellet’s work, “6 répartitions aléatoires de 4 carrés noirs et blancs d’après les chiffres pairs et impairs du nombre Pi”.
The painter portrayed the 24 first figures of the number Pi (3.141 5992…) using black and white squares, white to represent odd figures and black ones for even figures.

Approached concept

A pixel is the smallest element that composes a display screen, such as computer screens, TVs, cellphones or even tablets.

Explanation of the game

You have to transcribe 4 random numbers on the 4 squares related to them, just like Morellet did on this painting. Switch the pixels on if it’s an odd number, or off if it’s even.

Got it !

Congrats ! You passed the first mini-game!
The next activity will be based on a piece of Ellsworth Kelly that you can find on your right.

You finished the game in less than 30 seconds, you’re fast! That granted you a new success! Try to be this quick at the next activity!

To translate the numbers, you need to read the squares this way:

Click on each square to change its value.
Even number : Off (Black, value 0)
Odd number : Off (White, value 1)

0 : Black
1 : White
2 : Black
3 : White
4 : Black
5 : White
6 : Black
7 : White
8 : Black
9 : White

Introduction to the work of art

You are standing in front of Ellsworth Kelly’s work, “Kite II”. It's an assembly edge to edge of black, colored and white squares. The piece shows a rhythm, white shapes for a void, and the colored ones for a fullness.

Approached concept

In the digital world, we don't use primary colors as we use in paintings, but additive ones which are called RGB : Red, Green and Blue.

Explanation of the game

Ellsworth Kelly’s painting lost its colors! Find them back by using the additive synthesis of digital on-screen colors!

Got it !

Click on each shape to change its color using the given buttons

Here is the additive synthesis diagram

Useful colors:
Yellow : RG: on, B: off
White: RGB: on
Black: RGB : off

Well done! You have successfully done this mini-game!
The next activity is waiting for you! It will be based on a painting by François Morellet which looks like this:

Congratulations! You seem to have understood RVB colors pretty well ! You succeeded the mini-game in less than 40 seconds ! You have earned an extra success !

Introduction to the work of art

You are standing in front of François Morellet’s painting, “Du jaune au violet”. The artist represented two ways to go from the yellow to the purple, starting with cold colors (green, blue) to warm ones (orange, red). If you take a closer look, you will notice that he is playing with the width of the different colored lines to create this gradient.

Approached concept

It’s by mixing the RGB colors that we previously saw that we manage to create all the other colors.

Explanation of the game

Replicate the different color shades of the painting by modifying the intensity of each primary color to reproduce one of the gradient.
Cold colors or warm ones, you choose which one you want!

Choose the part of the painting you want to reproduce

Select !

Choose the part of the painting you want to reproduce

Select !
  • purple
  • steel_blue
  • sky_blue
  • sage_green
  • lemon_yellow
  • ochre_yellow
  • yellow
  • purple
  • velvet_red
  • poppy_red
  • orange
  • amber
  • saffron
  • yellow
  • Congrats! You passed this activity !
    The last game will be based on another painting of François Morellet. This is how it looks like:

    Less than 2 minutes to complete the game, you've unlocked the time success for this level !

    Change the intensity of RGB colors, from 0 to 255.

    Here is the color diagram:

    When you validate the level, the RGB cursors which have the correct answer will be blocked

    If a color component is right, its border will turn green. When the 3 components are validated, it means that you got the color right, and you can move on to the next one !

    Introduction to the work of art

    You are standing in front of a painting by François Morellet once again, “3*3”. The artist disposed here 9 identical squares in different ways on the canvas.

    Approached concept

    You will now discover the notion of positioning and moving shapes.

    Explanation of the game

    Click on the square to select it, then move and rotate it to reproduce the painting

    Got it !

    Click on the center square to select it, then change its position to correctly place it.

    Tap the buttons to move and rotate the selected square then tap “Run Code” to apply the changes.

    Press a square for more than 1 second to see if there's another square hidden behind !

    Congratulations! You just finished the last activity! Are you ready to put your imagination to work and apply the notions you just discover? See you in the Sandbox!

    You've understood how functions work and finieshed the game is less than 1 minute ! Check the success menu to see which success are left to be unlocked, for this level you got them all !

    You completed all the activities, congratulations!
    Let’s summarize all the knowledge you just acquired with a last activity: put into practice all the concepts you learned, to your liking and without any constraints!

    Got it!

    Well done! You completed all the activities of our workshop!

    We hope that we allowed you to learn and to understand the fundamental notions of digital images and, who knows, to ignite a new spark for computing code languages !

    In computing language, a “variable” is a storage space.
    The variable must always be “declared” before any use, that is, be named. Metaphorically, the variable is a sort of box who contains a certain information : a “value”. When the program needs the box’s content, it will “call” it by its name.

    The “boolean” is a specific kind of variable. It is used when the program needs a binary answer : YES or NO. In computing language, it translates by TRUE or FALSE.

    J'ai compris !

    A function, in computing language, is a block of code that allows the program to execute a task. Just like the variable, the function must be “declared” before it can be used.

    Use some help !

    A hint is available ! Press

    at the top left hand corner when the icon is blinking to open it.